Workforce Profile data from June 2012 to June 2013 to the Public Service Commission

STATUS: Completed Jan 2014


Workforce Profile data from June 2012 to June 2013 to Public Service Commission

  1. Employee number (Non Casual EFT) as at 30 June 2013 broken down by gender, award coverage and agency.
  2. The above data overlaid by Principal Departments.
  3. Employee numbers (Non Casual EFT) by agency and by award broken down by region as per the regions used at Table 4.5 of the Workforce Profile 2012 report.
  4. Head Count Data, as at 30 June 2013 broken down by State Electorate and Agency including: total numbers and number of staff covered by the Crown Employees Public Sector Salaries Award 2008.
  5. Head Count Data, as at 30 June 2013 broken down by Agency, gender, and employment category ie. full time, part time, and causal.
  6. Employment Movement Type Details (Non-casual) during the year 2012 by Gender including Movement Type-Detailed, Commenced Employees, Separated Employees including Voluntary Redundancy by Agency
  7. Head count against ANSCO occupation codes and occupations broken down by Agency for 2013.
  8. Head count numbers against position codes and occupation broken down by agency for 2013.