Ongoing job cuts in DEC – State Training Services

The PSA – DEC 1 Oxford St Workplace Group has passed the following motion in support of their colleagues in State Training Services after further cuts to positions were announced in late April.

“This General Meeting expresses its concern at management’s proposed changes in State Training Services. These changes and staff cuts do not take into account a number of forthcoming changes including the Smart and Skilled program.

We are also concerned that individuals rather than positions have been targeted. We will be considering all avenues of action to ensure that staff of STS are treated fairly and equitably.”

PSA General Secretary has accepted the motion and the ongoing commitment of the PSA to do all that it can to represent the 600 Public Sector employees across DEC State and Regional Offices being affected by the $1.7 Billion worth of cuts announce in September 2012.

PSA members are encouraged to visit our campaign at and tell us how their jobs support education in NSW.