Workforce Profile data from June 2011 to June 2012 to Public Service Commission

Date Lodged: 24 November 2012

Status: Information received on 21 March 2013

Summary of the PSA application for access to government information on employee numbers to the Public Service Commission:

  • Employee number (Non Casual EFT) as at 30 June 2012 broken down by gender, award coverage and agency.
  • The above data overlayed by Principal Departments.
  • Employee numbers (Non Casual EFT) by agency and by award broken down by region as per the regions used at Table 4.5 of the Workforce Profile 2012 report.
  • Head Count Data, as at 30 June 2012 broken down by State Electorate and Agency including: total numbers and number of staff covered by the Crown Employees Public Sector Salaries Award 2008.
  • Head Count Data, as at 30 June 2012 broken down by Agency, gender, and employment category ie. full time, part time, and causal.
  • Employment Movement Type Details (Non-casual) during the year 2012 by Gender including Movement Type-Detailed, Commenced Employees, Separated Employees including Voluntary Redundancy by Agency
  • Head count against ANSCO occupation codes and occupations broken down by agency for 2011 and 2012.
  • Head count numbers against position codes and occupation broken down by agency for 2011 and 2012.