Charles Sturt Uni News: Domestic Violence Leave

CSU strongly argued against, as they considered that the policy would be enough, and that the current policy in Canada could be extended. The CPSU claims that it will not be enough, and that it would not work.

The Australian Domestic and Family Violence Clearing House has developed clear guidelines for what is required in an industrial instrument. This is based on considerable research on what actually works, and why these aspects need to be in an enforceable workplace condition. 

The CPSU/United Voice and the NTEU has not put any ambit claim in the draft clause, nor have we sought to include too much policy based conditions. It is also designed to protect both the employer and affected employee. The Vice Chancellor and University Executive will be consulted about this claim (again) and we’re hoping that they will see sense and understand that its a fundamental requirement, and would be supporting regional NSW workers in a vital and essential way.