CPSU NSW secures 5.1 per cent pay rise for Coal Services staff
The CPSU NSW and Coal Services have reached in-principle agreement on a new two-year deal for coal services staff. The package includes a 5.1 per cent pay rise in 2022 and a minimum three per cent increase in 2023, pending a successful all staff vote.
Along with the 5.1 per cent pay increase from 1 July 2022, the following additional elements were negotiated on behalf coal services staff:
Three per cent pay increase or CPI as published April 2023 whichever is greater as of 1 July 2023.
Four weeks’ notice to a fixed-term employee indicating if the fixed term will be extended or cease.
Minimum three consecutive hours for part-time employees.
Time off in Lieu (TOIL) has been expanded to Classifications T1, T2, Manager B & C and those on a Total Remuneration Package (TRP).
Overtime for time and a half reduced from three hours to two hours before double time
Personal Leave changing from an annual credit (18 days) to accumulation over the calendar year as of 1 January 2023 for existing employees and (nine days) credit followed by accumulation after six months for new employees as of 1 July 2022.
Increase to Emergency Leave from two days to three days per annum and has been expanded to be used for public transport disruptions, adverse weather, natural disaster, or death of a family pet.
Domestic Violence Leave increased from 10 days to 20 days
Secure employment a casual employee who elects against conversion to permanent employment following notice being provided by Coal Services, will retain the right to later elect to convert to permanent if they work regular and systematic hours.
No loss of any current conditions from the current Enterprise Agreement.
All other changes made were in line with modern awards for consistency and to reflect current organisation structure for position titles.
The CPSU NSW recommends staff “Vote Yes” to accept the proposal when the ballot opens on 26 June. In our view, the package has been designed to address inflationary pressure on real wages and consolidates a solid suite of employment conditions that will cement Coal Services as an employer of choice.
The CPSU NSW would like to thank and recognise the excellent work of our bargaining team including Brooke Heterick (Singleton), Julianne Burley (Speers Point) and Casey Moane (Woonona).
For further information on the package contact Ian Braithwaite on 1300 772 679 or at