
Wednesday, 14 July 2021

Correctional Supervisors’ Majority Support Determination

The CPSU NSW previously made representations to Serco that Correctional Officers should be included within the scope of the Serco Clarence Correctional Case Officers Enterprise Agreement 2021, negotiations for which are currently underway. However, Serco rejected the proposition that Correctional Supervisors should be included in this Enterprise Agreement, and in doing so left Correctional Supervisors without a collective agreement or the ability to negotiate better conditions and a fair wage increase.

Subsequently, the CPSU NSW distributed a Majority Support Determination amongst Correctional Supervisors at Clarence Correctional Centre. Put simply, if an employer refuses to bargain with employees but a majority of those employees sign a petition stating that they wish to bargain for an Enterprise Agreement, then an application can be made to the Fair Work Commission (FWC) in order to force that employer to bargain.

We are pleased to announce that we have collected more than enough signatures to support an application to the FWC. As a result, the CPSU NSW has written to Serco advising it as such, and given the company one more opportunity to come to the table and negotiate an Enterprise Agreement without being forced to do so by the FWC. You can read the correspondence we sent to Serco HERE.

The CPSU NSW is yet to receive a response. In the event that there either is no response or that response is ‘no’, we will be seeking an order from the FWC that will force Serco to the bargaining table. Correctional Supervisors at Clarence Correctional Centre deserve a fair wage and conditions protected in a legally enforceable instrument.

Your union will keep all members updated and will send out another bulletin once we have received a response from Serco. In the meantime, it is important to think about what matters to you and what conditions you would like to see in an Enterprise Agreement, so that the CPSU NSW can effectively negotiate on your behalf.

The CPSU NSW is also calling on all Correctional Supervisors to support Correctional Case Officers’ ‘no’ vote and protected industrial action ballot. If you know of any members who have any questions regarding either ballot or who wish to speak to someone from the CPSU NSW, please tell them to contact their union on 1300 772 679.

In the meantime, if you know of anybody who isn’t a union member but would like to join, they can join online at We are stronger as a collective, and acting in union is the only way that we will be able to stand up and fight for a fair Enterprise Agreement.