Parklea Roster – Sept 2019 (PDF version)
MTC-Broadspectrum has today written to the CPSU NSW to advise us it plans to introduce a new roster for correctional staff at Parklea.
The company’s new roster proposal has been developed in response to safety concerns raise by the union following a spike in the number of disciplinary incidents with inmates.
While we believe that all options, including longer 10-12 hours shifts, should remain on the table for discussion, we are mindful MTC-Broadspectrum is making an effort to improve rostering and staff safety and are supportive of that approach.
Members are encouraged to attend a paid time CPSU NSW meeting on Friday, 13 September at 11:00am in the Culture Centre to discuss the new roster and raise any concerns.
MTC-Broadspectrum has assured us that careful consideration will be given to the impact of roster changes on staff family and caring arrangements, and we encourage members to contact our delegates Brian Kirk, Mark Ward or Tiarna Holtz should you require support.
Alternatively, you can contact either Dave McCauley %20"> or Thane Pearce %20"> or call us on 1300 772 679.
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