The CPSU NSW bargaining team met with Aruma management and the Australian Services Union’s (ACU’s) bargaining representatives on 13 December to progress discussion around the new Aruma Enterprise Agreement.
As a result of our recent survey of members employed by Aruma, the CPSU NSW was able to nominate some hot button topics for pursuit during bargaining.
CPSU NSW members very clearly expressed in the survey that the main areas of interest are: future salary increases; ongoing arrangements for transferred staff (grandparenting of specific employment entitlements); rostering; leave; sleepovers and allowances were areas of interest for CPSU members.
Future meetings of the Aruma Bargaining Committee will see the CPSU NSW provide a log of claims to your employer. Once drafting of the new agreement commences, Aruma has agreed to provide a summary table which will list all changes to the existing enterprise agreement.
Aruma has agreed that CPSU NSW bargaining team representatives can attend the meeting during paid time. In addition, paid time will be provided to caucus before and debrief after the Aruma Bargaining Committee meets.
The CPSU NSW bargaining team includes Lynda Dean, Tom Duncan and John Fenton, along with Shane Elliott, Illawarra Regional Organiser, and Anthony Wright, CPSUU NSW Industrial Officer in Sydney.
CPSU NSW members are welcome to contact any of the bargaining team members with feedback or questions moving forward.
Your union will continue to produce bulletins as bargaining commences in earnest.
The next meeting of the Enterprise Bargaining Committee will be held on 15 February 2023.
The CPSU NSW invites members to participate in a videoconference to be held Monday, 19 December 2022 at 4:00 pm. We regret the late notice but developments in the enterprise bargaining space evolve quickly. Click this link to join the videoconference:
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 453 732 389 293
Passcode: SxesXH
We also plan to hold another videoconference on Monday, 16 January 2023 at 4:00pm.
Click here to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 475 018 887 823
Passcode: 5qjZna
Both videoconferences provide an opportunity for CPSU NSW members in Aruma to collectively discuss the enterprise bargaining process and provide additional feedback beyond that provided in the recent survey. We hope to see as many CPSU NSW members at the videoconferences as we can.
Bronwyn Pine
Nicole Calvert
Andrew Christian
Kym Turnbull
John Fenton
Solomon Williams
Gina Keller
Far North NSW
Vicki Mulligan
Korrina Schultz
Mid North Coast
Thomas Duncan
Lynda Dean
Thane Pearce Manager, National Systems Team
Anthony Wright Industrial Officer
Vivette Horrex Organiser, Sydney metro
Shane Elliott Regional Organiser, Illawarra and south