
Thursday, 15 July 2021

TAFE NSW FM&L Restructure

The CPSU NSW is supporting those Security Officers affected by the restructure, and it is important that we know what members’ preferences are so that we can best assist you throughout this process.

We want to be able to advise TAFE concerning CPSU NSW members’ preferences, whether you are interested in redeployment, taking a voluntary redundancy, or being upskilled into a Facilities Officer position.

By filling out our survey, we will be in a better position to advocate to TAFE on your behalf. You can access the survey HERE.

Given how quickly TAFE NSW is moving ahead with the placement process, it is critical that we are able to collate this data as soon as possible, so please ensure that you fill out the survey by 4pm on Tuesday 20 July 2021.

If you know of anyone who is not a member of the CPSU NSW but who might be interested in completing the survey, please forward this bulletin to them so that we can capture as many affected employees as we can with the survey.

In the meantime, if you know of anybody who isn’t a union member but would like to join, they can join online here: We are stronger as a collective, and acting in union is the only way that we will be able to stand up and fight against TAFE’s blatant cost-cutting measures.