
Thursday, 12 November 2020

REMINDER: You’re invited to the digital launch of our first What Women Want survey

Reminder Zoom – Nov 2020

We’re inviting you to the digital launch of our survey working women in our industry. We opened our survey in early 2020 and now we want to share the results with you and share what women in our industry want.

Join us to hear the results of the survey and hear about what women in our sector want:

Friday, 13 November at 12 noon
Click HERE to register.

We will hear from our General Secretary before reporting on the results and how we can use this report to organise and win in our workplaces.

You can access the report before the launch HERE.

The launch will be recorded and available on our website for those who would like to view it.

We look forward to seeing you then.

Trish O’Brien
PSA/CPSU NSW Women’s Council Chairperson