
Tuesday, 17 March 2020

COVID-19: letter to TAFE NSW

Covid update – March 2020 (PDF version)

The CPSU NSW wrote to the TAFE NSW Managing Director on 17 March 2020 to begin a dialogue with the organisation on its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The union sought to be consulted on what contingency plans are being developed to support staff effected by COVID-19. In particular, provisions relating to how staff, including casuals, will be paid if:

  • They are excluded from workplace/placed in quarantine
  • Who have caring responsibilities or who have transport disruptions
  • The workplace is closed
  • If they exhaust sick leave because of COVID 19

Please follow the link to our letter HERE.

NSW Health and Federal Department of Health Advice

In relation to health standards, the CPSU NSW sought confirmation that current NSW Health and Federal Department of Health protocols are being adhered to. They can be viewed HERE and HERE.

Join the CPSU NSW

Not a member? JOIN the CPSU NSW HERE.

Contact the CPSU NSW

Industrial Officer
Matt Drake-Brockman

Shane Jobberns
Chris Bird