University of Wollongong Enterprise Bargaining update – November 2018 (PDF version)
The CPSU NSW continues to bargain in good faith with the university in an effort to improve conditions and entitlements for professional staff. The bargaining team believes we are making good progress at the table on a range of issues.
After sustained pressure from the CPSU NSW bargaining team, we have successfully secured a $1000 cash bonus to be paid to all permanent, fixed-term, and part-time employees. This payment will be made on 15 November 2018. We continue to bargain with the university for a fair and just pay rise to combat the increasing costs of living.
We have received in principle agreement with the university on the following issues:
It is worth noting that the CPSU NSW was the union who worked with the Domestic Violence Clearing House to undertake the research that informed the development of paid DV Leave, and was the first union in the country to have an employer agree to incorporate DV Leave into their enterprise agreement. We continue to prioritise improving DV Leave in every Award and Enterprise Agreement we negotiate across our union.
We are making substantial progress on the following issues:
We are currently negotiating with the university on fixed term and casual positions and leave provisions. As progress is made we will continue to provide members with regular updates.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact:
UOW CPSU NSW Branch President – Mark Spence:
CPSU NSW Universities Organiser – Chris Bird:
You can help support your UOW Professional Staff Union by reminding your colleagues that it is through the CPSU NSW’s advocacy that we maintain and improve conditions here at the University of Wollongong. Please feel free to forward this email to your colleagues and ask at least one colleague to JOIN the CPSU NSW today.