Land Registry Services – Redundancies – June 2018 (PDF version)
CPSU NSW members have approached CPSU NSW industrial staff to advise us that certain LRS HR personnel have approached them about taking a VR – and in the same conversation had spoken about other types of roles that they could perform, such as image capture, call centre work and cashiering – work that is, it should be noted, falls completely outside the current duties that these members were employed to undertake.
Unfortunately, it is reported that some members have felt intimidated by such approaches.
The CPSU NSW raised these examples in a Consultative Committee with management on Monday 25 June and expressed our firm view that these approaches on our members were not appropriate and in some instances had made individual feel intimidated.
This was put to management and it was essentially denied.
As members would know the terms and conditions of employment under the new employer (ARI) are the same as the previous employer (LPI) unless the employee agrees to vary their particular terms and conditions. This is the law Section 21 of the Land and Property Information NSW (Authorised Transaction) Act 2016 (NSW).
If Management approaches you about taking a VR, please remember to bring a support person – preferably your delegate.