
Tuesday, 12 June 2018

CPSU NSW forces Coal Services Hand!

CPSU NSW forces Coal Services Hand – June 2018 (PDF version)

After Coal Mines Insurance conducted staff meetings to explain their proposed restructure, CPSU NSW Organiser, Ian Braithwaite, undertook a roadshow to talk to Union Members at Singleton, Speers Point and Woonona, to ascertain feedback. Overwhelmingly, CPSU NSW members expressed much anxiety and delegates, Melinda Scott, Kellie Berry and Brooke Hetericke took many questions and concerns from the Staff.

The most prominent issue was that YOU had insufficient information to make an informed decision on YOUR future, the effect on YOUR current job and impact on YOUR current salary. No one understood the Argenton Trial, the results or had witnessed any documents on the model, including the proposed incomplete Case Management Manual.

Information which was provided, was inadequate to answer the hundreds of questions raised by the Staff.

As a result, CPSU NSW notified CSPL of a dispute in regards to the proposed restructure.

On Tuesday, 5 June, we wrote to CSPL to request the following information on behalf of CPSU NSW Members:

EOI’s put on hold You do not have to apply/submit an EOI for a proposed job now.  If you want a role, you will need to make an application when the time comes.
Redundancies put on hold You do not have to declare EOI for a VR now.

There will be no end date. They will be available all the way through the process

Argenton Model/equivalent documents outlining business model More information TBA – documents to be provided
Case Management Manual – workflow establishment Copy to be provided and staff consulted TBA
Bullying Staff are feeling pressured to make a decision. An External EAP Provider to be considered as well as a CSPL provider.  Staff have options where they can meet to seek support and advice. Reviewing
Classification Framework and proposed Salary (minimum and maximum caps). Not agreed by CPSU CS Enterprise Agreement (EA) outlines Classification Framework JCC* to consider this information over the first 12 months of EA.  Nothing should be released without consultation of CPSU. Reviewing
Video of announcement To be provided to CPSU Agreed.  Awaiting delivery


TBA (to be advised)                * = JCC, Joint Consultative Committee (Company and CPSU representatives)

On Thursday, 7 June, the list of questions collated by your Union Delegates, was emailed by the CPSU NSW to CSPL to address. A further consultation meeting between the parties is taking place next Wednesday 13 June. The CPSU NSW will not withdrawal the Dispute Notification until all your concerns have been tabled and a transparent process to address has been carried out.

There will be a few months before applications for ‘anything’ will need to be made.

We will work to ensure all questions will be exhausted and answered prior to that time, so that CPSU NSW members will have all the necessary information to make a decision on your future.

If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact your Delegates:

Melinda Scott – Speers Point

Brooke Hetericke – Singleton

Kellie Berry – Woonona

In addition, CPSU NSW Organiser, Ian Braithwaite is available on or 0400 859 630, and CPSU NSW Industrial Officer, Maryanne Stuart on or 0437 898 020.

Anyone, not a current member of the CPSU NSW, should consider the benefits of JOINING.


REMINDER: If staff are asked by management to have a 1:1 meeting, they are entitled to a support person. That person can be another CPSU NSW Member/Delegate/Official. Bullying is a workplace health and safety issue. The CPSU NSW can assist in achieving a workplace FREE of bullying, harassment and other unreasonable behaviour.