TAFE NSW Working With Children Check – February 2017 (PDF version)
As you are aware, under the Child Protection (Working with Children) Act 2012, employees working with people under 18 need to have a current Working with Children Check.
Under the guidelines, TAFE NSW employees who need a Working with Children Check are required to have the documentation by 31 March 2017.
There is provision in the Act under Section 8 which allows you not to be penalised if you have applied for the check but it has not been processed by 31 March.
The check costs $80 and the PSA (CPSU) has sought legal advice as to whether the employee has to pay this fee. Unfortunately, the advice has been delayed due to the illness of the lawyer.
In the circumstances, we advise all members who haven’t yet done so to go ahead and complete the Working with Children Check.
If you are unsure of how to do this or need help or support through the process, please contact your local delegate.
Please keep your receipt for the $80. If the legal advice is that the employee does have to pay, you can claim back on your tax as long as you have your receipt. If the legal advice suggests that we can test the case, we will need your receipt for our claim on your behalf.
We thank you for your patience during this process.
It is important you continue to have a say and your voice is heard. You can support the work of the PSA (CPSU) and your local delegates by JOINING your union.
Please forward this to your colleagues so that they know what their rights are, and encourage them to JOIN the PSA (CPSU).