The TAFE Commission of NSW Administrative, Support and Related Employees Enterprise Agreement 2023 (EA) and can be viewed here states that you have a right to accrue a minimum 15 minutes of flex per day for all employees covered under the new EA.
15 minutes a day is the minimum, not the maximum. While going beyond 15 minutes requires prior approval, an employee can accrue and take up to six flex days (or 42 hours) in any 12-week period. To accrue longer periods it can be approved in advance.
The Enterprise Agreement states that:
45.8. Employees are entitled to accrue flex time without prior approval of up to 15 minutes (which can be prior to the commencement of their working hours or after the end of their working hours) per day. This entitlement to accrue cannot be denied by way of direction, subject to WHS requirements.
45.9 Any accrual of flex time after 15 minutes per day must be to undertake or complete tasked that meet operational requirements and, where reasonably practicable, must be approved by a manager prior.
If you need to accrue more than 15 minutes of flex time per day, you should send an email to your manager explaining the reason and requesting approval. You do not need a response prior, only if it is reasonably practicable.
Remember, 15 minutes a day is your right to accrue without approval and it cannot be denied. If it is being denied, please let us know by calling our Member Support Centre on 1800 772 679.
Community and Public Sector Union (NSW Branch)
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