
Friday, 31 March 2023

University of Sydney bargaining update

Thanks to the many members who responded to our recent all-member salary-offer survey. Members indicated a preference for awaiting the university’s foreshadowed salary offer adjustment before making a decision in relation to whether to accept the offer or to undertake industrial action in support of a better salary increase.

We are still concluding negotiations in relation to Schedule 6 of the Agreement which governs conditions within the university’s veterinary clinics and hope to have these finalised on Tuesday.

We now have an amended salary offer, the details of which are set out below. The university has stated that this offer is subject to the finalisation of the academic staff package.

We will conduct a zoom members’ meeting at 1:00pm on Tuesday 4 April, during a break from Tuesday’s enterprise bargaining meeting, to discuss the amended salary offer:

Meeting ID: 88516943678

Amended salary offer

4.6% + $2000 on sign-off of the agreement
+ 3.75% on 1 July 2024
+ 3.75% on 1 July 2025
+ 4% on 1 June 2026

This is compared to the previous offer

4.6% + $2000 on sign-off of the agreement
+ 3.25% on 1 July 2024
+ 3.25% on 1 July 2025
+ 3.5% on 1 June 2026

That is a flat (uncompounded) improvement from the last offer of 1.5 per cent over the period of the agreement. There was also a unilateral 2.1 per cent administrative pay increase and $1000 cash payment in July 2022.

This takes the overall offer from 16.7 per cent over five years to 18.2 per cent over five years (or 3.34 per cent to 3.64 per cent per annum) without calculating compound interest or factoring in the cash payments.

Not a member?

To join the union dedicated to Professional Staff, the CPSU NSW, click HERE.