On Friday 2 December your union met with the university and other bargaining representatives in what had been pushed as possibly the last enterprise bargaining meeting following a revised salary offer.
Your CPSU NSW bargaining team had written to the university prior to that meeting outlining what it understood at that point to be the positives and negatives of the agreement. You can see this correspondence HERE.
As has been now well promoted, the university increased its wages offer to a 3.5 per cent increase this year (backdated to October) and then three per cent for both 2023 and 2024.
University management now believe that negotiations are exhausted and does not propose any further bargaining before putting their proposed agreements to ballot of all employees.
The CPSU NSW requires your feedback on this modest salary offer and several other key areas of the proposed agreement.
In the course of last Friday’s meeting and since it has become apparent that many new details have been included or altered unilaterally by management and the CPSU NSW bargaining team has extreme reservations about both the content and application of the proposed agreement, and the good faith with which it has been arrived at.
We are calling an urgent members’ meeting 12:30pm TOMORROW (Friday 9 December 2022) to discuss these matters and strongly encourage all members to attend.
Meeting URL https://uonewcastle.zoom.us/j/85241007474?pwd=eEJockt3bm8zZ05DOVZIbWZvQjBMQT09&from=addon
Meeting ID 852 4100 7474
Passcode 989529
Bargaining has been a long slow grind until this point, but now is being accelerated at a disturbing and suspicious pace. Consequently we apologise for the short notice, but hope you can all participate.