
Friday, 10 August 2018

NSW Upper House inquiry into NDIS

NSW Upper House inquiry into NDIS – August 2018

The NSW Upper House is conducting a parliamentary inquiry into the implementation of the NDIS and how disability services are being provided in NSW. The scope of the inquiry has been laid out in the terms of reference, click HERE to see those terms of reference.

You are probably aware that the Berejiklian Government cynically capitalised upon the introduction of the NDIS as an excuse to completely withdraw from the provision of public sector services and privatise the former functions of ADHC, forcibly transferring thousands of our members to potentially insecure work with non-government organisations. Whilst we have been seeking information from those members, we also recognise that the impacts of the NDIS and the withdrawal of public sector provision of disability services is having effects beyond that (former) Department.

This inquiry presents an opportunity to expose the errors of this decision and influence policies that may reverse some of the damage. If you have experiences with the NDIS and the closure of ADHC, either personally or professionally, we want to hear from you. In particular, we are asking if you could provide information in relation to incidents where inadequate disability supports result in greater strain on other community services, such as justice and health services.

We are particularly interested in stories where other public services such as those in corrections, health or child protection are now having to pick up the slack where ADHC would have previously been the specialised and appropriate service provider.

As a union member you have the right to communicate with your union and you are providing this information to us under that premise. Please remember however to not use client names so that you are not breaching any confidentiality. We will also do the same in our submission; no individuals who provide information will be identified.

You can email your input by COB Friday 17 August 2018 to .

Thank you for your assistance