
Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Parliamentary Inquiry into the implementation of the NDIS and the provision of Disability Services in NSW

Parliamentary Inquiry into the implementation of the NDIS and the provision of Disability Services in NSW – July 2018 (PDF version)

It has been announced there will be a parliamentary enquiry into the implementation of the NDIS and how disability services are being provided in NSW, with closing date for submissions 9 August 2018. The scope of the enquiry has been laid out in the terms of reference, click HERE to see those terms of reference.

As we all know there are many issues with the NDIS and the subsequent transfer of services to the private sector, which is why the CPSU NSW will be providing a submission to the enquiry.

As you work in the industry you know better than anyone the impacts that the changes with the NDIS and the privatisation of services is having on the delivery of disability services. This is why we are asking for your input into the submission. In particular, we are asking if you could provide information in relation to the following terms of reference:

  • the experience of people with complex care and support needs in developing, enacting and reviewing NDIS plans
  • the accessibility of early intervention supports for children
  • the effectiveness and impact of privatising government run disability services
  • workforce issues impacting on the delivery of disability services
  • incidents where inadequate disability supports result in greater strain on other community services, such as justice and health services.

As a union member you have right to communicate with your union and you are providing this information to us under that premise. However, please remember to not use client names so that the you are not breaching any confidentiality. We will also do the same in our submission; no individuals who provide information will be identified.

You can provide this feedback in forums that will be run in:

  • Western Sydney
  • Wollongong
  • Newcastle

We will advise you soon of dates, keep a look out. Do not fret, if you cannot attend one of these meetings we are more than happy for you to email your input by COB 30 July 2018 to .