Wednesday, 9 May 2018
PSA/CPSU NSW Disabilities Illawarra WPG
PSA CPSU NSW Disabilities Illawarra WPG – May 2018 (PDF version)
- Tuesday 15 May 2018 4pm-5.30pm
- Berkeley Sports Club 5 Wilkinson St Berkeley
Robert Jenkins Room
All welcome, non-members asked to join
Please print this flyer out and place on union notice board
- Attendance/Apologies
- Minutes of Previous WPG Meeting
- Correspondence
- Business Arising from minutes of previous meeting
- Rostering cuts across HWNS services Sthn
- Multiple casuals sacked, successful casual applicants asked to take 20 per cent pay cut
- HWNS Recruitment process for permanency
- Mountview/TCU – Disability Trust transfer
- TL’s being forced to work specific shifts
- Travel expenses re: Training
- General Business
Illawarra WPG Executive
Chair ‑ Shane Elliott
Vice Chair ‑ Robert Biste
Secretary ‑ Stuart Mason
Assistant Secretary ‑ Lynda Dean
Women’s Delegate ‑ Nicole Morris
Mt View ‑ Maureen Gillespie and Alex Snell