SWS Institute of TAFE – Consultative Committee meeting – Nov 2016 (PDF version)
The Institute’s Consultative Committee meeting on 16 November 2016 was attended by PSA (CPSU) Delegate Robert Weir, Organiser Susan Chee Quee and Industrial Advocate Phoebe Dangerfield.
The Finance Restructure was raised and the Institute stated it would be running training on change and resilience, as well as application writing. It was noted people are getting their main source of information from the Managing Director’s Friday Five email.
The Institute has pulled back on all profile and services reviews. However, the Educational Services Review will go ahead.
The Clerical Services review is still under consideration, with South Western Sydney Institute not expecting to release it until after the Educational Services review. It is therefore unlikely to be released for consultation before early February 2017.
The WH&S Manager is looking for Health and Safety Reps (HSRs). We have asked for the WH&S Manager to come and brief the ICC on the number of HSRs required and how many have already been appointed.
In relation to the sale of Chullora Campus, the Director advised this will go ahead and the proceeds will go to refurbishing all other campuses. It was acknowledged competitors such as universities are building quality facilities for students, so SWSI will have to step up to compete.
Your union raised concerns in regard to Flexible Working Hours Agreement and whether staff have been moved onto standard hours without consultation. We also raised concerns about the number of agency staff in particular areas. We have agreed to a meeting with Human Resources to progress these matters further.
We also raised the issue of the Christmas shutdown. The Institute agreed to send out a communication to staff in regard to concession days and leave. We also discussed using staff leave during this time to enable other staff to gain skills in Higher Duties positions and questioned why some staff had been refused permission to attend the Remembrance Day event. Management agreed to come back to us on this.
If you wish to raise any items for future ICC agendas, please contact your PSA Delegate or your Organiser.
In the meantime the most important thing you can do is to ensure that everyone in your workplace has a voice.
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