
Thursday, 10 November 2016

Land & Property privatisation errors a disaster for the bush

PSA media release:

The issuing of incorrect certificates by the Central Register of Restrictions (CRR) Unit of the Land and Property Information Service (LPI) regarding more than 200 properties in Sydney could be just the tip of the iceberg in regional NSW said the Public Service Association (PSA).

The union said a contributing factor to the errors was critical staff cutbacks along with many experts normally involved in maintaining the register of properties potentially impacted by Government infrastructure instead working on the looming privatisation of the Titling and Registry wing of LPI.

Once the Titling and Registry is sold, there will be no conversation between the new entity and what remains within LPI – critical checks and balances that have been keeping the system running effectively will be a thing of the past.

“Property owners in areas in regional NSW such as Orange and Bathurst where their land is their livelihood might well find themselves in the same situation that recently surfaced in Sydney,” said PSA General Secretary, Stewart Little.

“In fact, rural areas will potentially be hit more heavily due to size of holding and the chance of gas pipeline, road action, transmission lines and water supply lines affecting them.”

“Rural landholders will additionally be most affected by the privatisation as it leads to Private Title Insurance on the value of rural properties adding many thousands of dollars to transactions.”

“Regional communities will also be horrified to know that their titling details may end up being owned and kept by a foreign company with all proceeds remaining offshore.”

“What private enterprise, particularly an overseas entity, with a focus on its profits, is going to raise its hand and advise the community back in Australia of its errors?”

“At the moment, while LPI is still entirely in public hands, the NSW Government remains accountable for human errors. There is a Government guarantee.”

“Once the service is privatised, there will be no regulation and no accountability, only a profit motive.”

“There will be no follow up, only cover up once the service is sold off”.

“I call on National Party candidate Scott Barrett to come clean with people in the bush about what the sell off of the Land and Property Information Service will really mean to locals,” said Stewart Little.