Macquarie University update – 10 November 2015

Macquarie Uni member update – 10 November 2015 (PDF version)

Macquarie University restructures

The PSA successfully gained an extension to the consultation periods in the recently released change proposals for both the Marketing department and the Printery.

The PSA  also requested more information to ensure critical analysis of the change proposal papers. The information request included current and proposed work functions, detailed section reviews, commissioned reports, audit papers and cost benefit analyses.

The PSA has also demanded “reasonable time to respond and consider change proposal” is provided to members consistent with consultation clauses of the Professional Staff Enterprise Agreement.


This significant restructure, based on the rationale to reduce duplication and centralise Marketing’s functions, will see the loss of more than 50 ongoing positions. HEW 8 and lower positions will feel the greatest impact.

The University stated the majority of its marketing, particularly social media and web management, will be outsourced. The current $10 million budget will significantly increase, while internal creative expertise and talent will decrease.

The Printery

The University has also announced it intends to close The Printery. This decision is based on a recommendation from Trinity P3, a report commissioned by the University.

The report was not provided openly to staff when they were advised of the proposal to close their workplace. The PSA  requested this report be provided to members on the basis of transparency and access to information. The University only provided access to a summary, which is inconsistent with the consultation clause. Further discussions are ongoing.

Members have asked another recommendation from the same report be considered. This recommendation, discarded by the University, recommends The Printery “continue as usual” and that any outsourcing of printing from other areas across the university be redirected to its operations. Members believe new innovations in printing have potential for joint research projects with Science and the facility.

Centre of Open Education

The University continues to implement restructures of Science (Information Technology), the Museum of Ancient Cultures and released another on 9 November for the Centre of Open Education (CoE). The proposal for CoE includes the loss of positions and transfer of support services to Faculties and central units which include the Learning and Teaching Centre (LTC). This will be problematic as a review of LTC has been flagged.

The PSA will formally respond to the CoE change proposal by 23 November. Contact your PSA delegates to contribute feedback on any restructure.

Branch news

Current Branch President Greg Stark and Assistant Secretary Ted Davies have announced that they will finish at the end of this year. Their joint union career spans 60 years and their outstanding commitment to members as part of the Branch Committee Executive is significant.

They will finish their work and union career fighting for members as they always have.

Look out for an update and advice of Branch elections in the near future, as well as a farewell event.

If you have ever considered becoming more active in your union now is the time.

What can you do?

  • Print out this bulletin and show your colleagues
  • Join the PSA
  • Express your interest in becoming a union contact for your area


Branch President – Greg Stark
Vice President – Lachlan Morgan
Secretary – Jennifer Martin
Assistant Secretary – Ted Davies
Delegates – Tom Kerr, Sondra Wibberley