
Wednesday, 21 July 2021

You spoke, now it’s time for Serco to listen

You spoke, now it’s time for Serco to listen (PDF Version)

By now members should be aware of the results of the Enterprise Agreement ballot – an overwhelming landslide of employees rightly rejected Serco’s low ball offer and sent us all back to the enterprise bargaining table to come back with something better.

Eighty-two per cent is an emphatic message that you are not going to accept a deal that doesn’t fairly remunerate you for the valuable work you do.

But this is not yet the time to pop the champagne corks. To paraphrase Winston Churchill, this is not the end, but it may be the end of the beginning.

We have already written to Serco on your behalf and sought meeting dates. You can read this correspondence HERE

We hope Serco has heard your wishes loud and clear through this failed ballot. However, in the event the company has not, there is another important strategy that will show it you are serious.

This week you will have received your ballot papers from the Australian Electoral Commission in the mail regarding approving industrial action.

Staff of the CPSU NSW will be phoning members this week to explain the process in more detail and answer your questions.

We urge EVERY member to take the five minutes to complete the papers, vote YES to all proposed actions, and return it in the reply paid envelope.

Don’t leave it for another day only for the kids to use the voting slip as scribbling paper or for the dog to chew on or for it to get swept up into the recycling – do it now!

We only get to take industrial action and support our claims for a better deal if the majority of members return their vote and vote YES!

If you have lost your ballot papers, you can call the Australian Electoral Commission on (02) 9375 6366 and request a second copy.

Also remember this has to be posted back to Melbourne – so while voting closes on 11 August, you want it in the mail box at least a week before that date.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to ask your delegates or the PSA Member Service Centre on 1300 772 679.

And once again, if the ballot is successful and in due course we do have to take industrial action as Serco is not moving its position, only CPSU NSW members can participate. So tell your colleagues to join the union today!

Do you know someone who is not a member?

You can support the work of the CPSU NSW and delegates to get better outcomes for everyone just by asking your colleagues to JOIN the CPSU NSW.

Congratulations on the ballot result – you have stood together and are stronger for it.  Now let’s get a Fair Go from Serco.