
Wednesday, 14 April 2021

CPSU NSW challenges approval of Northcott Agreement

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The CPSU NSW has objected to the approval of the proposed Northcott Enterprise Agreement in a hearing of the Fair Work Commission (FWC) on 12 April.

The union argued that Northcott incorrectly excluded some casual staff from the ballot and failed to properly inform staff of the differences between their current employment conditions and those proposed under the new Northcott Agreement.

Commission Wilson has reserved his decision and the CPSU NSW will keep members updated once the decision has been handed down.

Consultation on rosters

It appears that Northcott has been pushing ahead with drafting new rosters that comply with the proposed Enterprise Agreement despite it not yet being approved by the FWC.

This process has been imposed with an arbitrary timeline that has prevented adequate consultation with members on the impact of the proposed changes. It is important to remember that unless the FWC approves the proposed Enterprise Agreement, the CLA continues to operate and Northcott must comply with all aspects of the Award – including consultation. Given the decision on the new Enterprise Agreement is still pending, these is no reason for the required consultation not to take place, and members are encouraged to raise their concerns with Northcott or the union.

The CPSU NSW will continue to monitor the situation to ensure compliance with the CLA.

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