After a previous false start, the Forestry Corporation of NSW (FCNSW) has once again opened the access period for the FCNSW Enterprise Agreement. The proposed agreement includes a series of face-to-face and online meetings designed to explain the changes negotiated between FCNSW, the CPSU, and the AWU.
You may remember that the original offer was swiftly withdrawn by FCNSW following strong union action and discussions with the NSW Agriculture Minister, as well as calls from unions for a no vote. The bargaining process has continued since then, and the proposed FCNSW Enterprise Agreement 2024-2027 represents the final outcome of those negotiations.
While your CPSU NSW bargaining representatives cannot formally endorse a Yes vote, we are proud to highlight the significant wins for our members and the hard work that went into securing them.
Key wins
These are just a few examples of the key improvements we were able to secure through strong, collective bargaining.
Members will notice that the format of the proposed Enterprise Agreement (EA) has changed significantly. Your CPSU NSW bargaining representatives dedicated considerable time and effort to ensure that any changes to the language of the EA maintained the intent of the clauses unless there was direct negotiation on the substance of those clauses.
The proposed FCNSW EA will be in effect for three years, with salary increases backdated to the first full pay in July.
In addition to the pay rises, there have been several other important changes:
FCNSW has scheduled both face-to-face and online meetings to explain the proposed changes to the EA. These sessions will provide an opportunity for the workforce to ask questions and better understand the agreement. We strongly encourage you to participate.
Additionally, the CPSU NSW will host an online meeting specifically for our members. Our representatives, along with bargaining representatives, will be available to answer any questions you may have. Please keep an eye on your inbox for the upcoming invitation.
While the CPSU NSW is not campaigning for or against the vote, we strongly encourage you to carefully review the proposed agreement. This outcome reflects significant improvements made possible by the collective action of our members. Whether you’re for or against the agreement, it’s crucial that you make an informed decision based on the facts.
Thank you for your ongoing support. We’ve made progress, and we’ll continue to advocate for our members’ best interests moving forward.
Nigel Fuller
Railee White
Rob Young