Red Tape magazine is out now

The Spring issue of Red Tape is out now.

The latest issue of the PSA CPSU NSW magazine follows our vital Sheriff’s Officers as they walk off the job all over the state, letting NSW know they are undervalued, understaffed and underpaid.

These Champions of the State have rallied to let the State Government know they deserve better.

We also feature our vital members working in NSW schools. We talk to some of the hard-working staff in school offices, classrooms and grounds, keeping the state’s first-rate education system running.

The PSA is always fighting for its members in schools. In 2019, we won the long-running pay equity case for this female-dominated workforce. After the last state election, we converted thousands of workers to permanent positions. Now we are fighting to make schools safer for our members.

We also travel the state to see how our members marked PSA Schools Recognition Week.

PSA House recently hosted our annual Women’s Conference. Women unionists from all over NSW gathered to listen to amazing speakers and share ideas that will further transform our workplaces. Our union is 65 per cent women and is proud of its trailblazing efforts throughout its history for more equitable workplaces.

We keep up with our long-running campaign to improve the NSW Child Protection system and look at why the state’s Fisheries Officers deserve better.

As usual, we have a mix of news stories, thought-provoking opinion pieces and book and podcast reviews.

Look out for your copy of Red Tape. You can also read a copy online HERE, or go HERE to access our regularly updated online version of Red Tape.

For a video presentation on the issue from General Sectretary Stewart Little, click HERE.