
Friday, 20 September 2024

University of Sydney CPSU NSW Members September Newsletter

Here is the latest news from the University of Sydney CPSU NSW Branch Committee.

Update on Change Plans

Library Change Process – Members have felt that the Library has not listened to their concerns, particularly around safety issues in the proposed new ways of working. CPSU NSW raised a dispute in the Draft Change Proposal (DCP) stage, but Library management asked us to provide a chance for them to respond to feedback in the Revised Change Plan (RCP). When this was released, the most substantive member concerns had not been addressed, so a new dispute was raised. The Library has not been willing to negotiate, and the dispute will now progress to the Fair Work Committee.

ICT Change Process – Back in April, a Preliminary Change Plan (PCP) was announced by the new CIO (Chief Information Officer – head of ICT). It was suggested at the time that this was more about a change in structure – standardising our ICT structure – than job losses. However, since then, silence. We have been told this is due to the amount of feedback received. At the recent ICT Joint Consultative Committee CPSU NSW was informed that a DCP had now been drafted and was being reviewed. After the review, it will be sent for endorsement by the University Executive. When CPSU NSW asked if it remained a structural change process with little or no emphasis on redundancies, that question was taken on notice subject to being conveyed to the CIO for response. We will pass on that response as soon as it is available.

Engineering TSS Change Process – This is a continuation of a broader change process that has taken place over several years and aims to remove technical staff from faculties and school and centralise them. The latest members to undergo this process are in the Engineering workshops. Again, a preliminary change process is underway and no DCP has been released at this point.

The University’s Change Proposals page is slow to update and is often months behind. We are rarely informed when a change process is underway. If you hear of a change process coming to your area, please let us know. If you are concerned about it, we will assist you.

Health and Safety Officer Report

Finally, all the external lights at the Parramatta Road / Derwent Street entrance are now working. The last “non-working” light was fixed a few weeks ago after the CPSU NSW reminded management that it had been defective (and reported defective) since June. To the credit of management, they did arrange an urgent fix once they were alerted.

At the September University Health and Safety Consultative Committee Meeting, several issues were raised by the CPSU NSW as follows:

  • Lighting – CPSU NSW has repeatedly raised the issue of inadequate lighting across parts of the university. Management agrees that there is a need to improve lighting throughout the university as it poses a safety hazard. Certain areas on the Camperdown campus have been surveyed by management – but implementing solutions can be challenging due to heritage issues.
  • COVID 19 – Free Masks and Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) – CPSU NSW asked if there were any plans to stop issuing free masks and RATs to staff. Management said that when the current stocks run out, the university will no longer be issuing free masks and RATS. Their rationale was that the demand for both masks and RATs has dropped off, and that they had to throw out a lot of expired RATs.
  • COVID 19 Vaccines / Booster Shots – CPSU NSW asked if the university had considered offering COVID 19 vaccines / booster shots to staff and students citing the fact that many chemists had stopped offering COVID shots. Management said that there were no plans at this stage to offer any COVID shots on campus.
  • COVID 19  ‘Long COVID’– CPSU NSW asked what management’s view was on ‘Long COVID’, and if this view had been informed by any research undertaken by the Faculty of Medicine. Management said that there was no special process in place regarding ‘Long COVID’. They said that they would make enquiries with the Faculty of Medicine regarding any research that is being conducted on ‘Long COVID’. To clarify, Long COVID is defined as a chronic condition that occurs after SARS-CoV-2 infection and is present for at least 3 months.

Training Offered By CPSU NSW For All Members

CPSU NSW is offering numerous training courses as follows:

  • Thursday 3 October – Role of the Delegate
  • Tuesday 8 October – Introduction to Work, Health, and Safety
  • Wednesday 23 October – Dealing with Member Issues

These courses fill up quickly, so if you are interested, then sign up ASAP.

Here’s the link:

Every union member is entitled to take 6 days of industrial training leave per year. If your manager resists granting you leave to undertake a course, then please immediately contact your delegate.

Women’s Officer Report

Staff are reminded of some of the extra entitlements and improvements in the new EA:

  • Menstrual and menopausal and reproductive leave, where medical documentation is not required.
  • New paid gender affirmation leave of 30 days.
  • 1 year service (instead of 2 years) required for primary care giver leave and the no return to work requirement after primary care giver leave.
  • A staff member whose baby is born prematurely and requires special care, may access personal leave under clause 258(f) while the child is in hospital. The staff member can commence parental leave when their child comes home.
  • Parental leave can be shared between the staff member and the Partner (and taken concurrently) with the total amount taken not to exceed 10 weeks.

Please get to know your leave entitlements in the EA (available on the intranet) so you can access hard-won entitlements for you and your family. Please reach out to your union 1800 772 679 and/or your delegate if you need any further information or help accessing leave.

Employment Conditions You May Not Know – Eligibility Lists 

Clause 451(b) of the Enterprise Agreement says:

Eligibility lists will be used to support greater internal mobility. Where the same or substantially similar role has been advertised in the previous 12 months and an internal staff member on an eligibility list has been deemed appointable, they will be considered prior to advertising the role. An eligibility list is a list of candidates for an advertised role, who have previously been assessed by a selection committee as being eligible for appointment if the same or substantially similar role becomes vacant within 12 months.

If you have applied for a role at the University and been deemed appointable to the role but, ultimately, you did not get the role as there was a candidate considered ahead of you, you should not then need to prove yourself appointable if another similar role comes up within 12 months. You have already demonstrated this!

Please let a CPSU NSW Delegate know if you apply for a role, and you are asked to attend an interview if you believe that the above applies to you.

If you complete a job interview process and you don’t land the role and you receive no feedback, then it might be useful to specifically ask whether you were considered appointable. If you are told yes – you were appointable but not the preferred candidate, you should then be placed on an eligibility list and be considered for future positions which are substantially like the position you’ve been rated as suitable.

Finally, if you have interviewed for a position and been advised that you were appointable but not the successful candidate, it would be greatly appreciated if you contacted a CPSU NSW Delegate to let us know if you were then advised you were on an eligibility list. This advice might come from a manager involved in the interview or from HR. Knowing if staff are being informed of this would help us to establish whether this new aspect of the Enterprise Agreement is being properly implemented.

University of Sydney CPSU NSW Branch Committee

Grant Wheeler

Ruth Livingstone
Vice President

Rachelle Down
Women’s Officer

Holly Eades

Montserrat Vigo Montes
Assistant Secretary

Peter Adams
Work Health and Safety Officer

Ivan Coates
Membership Registrar

Branch Delegates

Fiona Berry

Steven Simpson

Arj Khan

Matthew Etherden

Tomas Forster

Patrick O’Mara