TAFE NSW Bargaining Update – NO Forced Redundancies!

Yesterday the CPSU NSW wrote to TAFE NSW to inform them of our new bargaining claim – NO Forced Redundancies during the lifetime of this agreement! In tabling this claim, the CPSU NSW seeks to promote redeployment and job security, while supporting a collaborative approach to consultation and change management at TAFE NSW. This claim will allow us to directly implement your feedback into your Enterprise Agreement, we have heard you and your concerns, so we commit to implementing your feedback – meaning that no forced redundancies should happen at TAFE NSW!

We look forward to productive discussions with TAFE NSW at the bargaining table and strive for all parties to commit to a policy of no forced redundancies for the lifetime of your new enterprise agreement.

Yours in Union


TAFE Delegate Council

CPSU Senior Industrial Officer

Lisa Nelson


CPSU Organiser

Michael George

0473 658 074


TAFE Delegate Council Chair

Brook Down

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