
Friday, 16 August 2024

Ability Options 10th Year Crown staff – Opportunity to Move to SCHADS Award

Members who are currently being paid according to the Copied State Award (former FACs employees) have been offered the opportunity to be paid under the Social, Community, Home Care and Disability Services Industry Award 2010 (SCHADS Award) with the added benefit of salary packaging.

The CPSU NSW has written to Ability Options to clarify the meaning of the offer. Ability Options has responded and advised that if members elect to move to the SCHADS award rate of pay, the whole of the SCHADs award will apply and the pay and conditions in the CLA will no longer apply. This means changes to allowances and penalties will accompany any move from the CLA rate of pay to the SCHADS rate of pay.

Regardless of salary packing arrangements (of which members should seek their own financial advice around) members may be negatively affected by this offer. We encourage all members to consider this before accepting or rejecting the offer.