As you would be aware, the union notified Serco on Wednesday of a 24-hour stoppage for next Friday 30 September 2022 commencing at 7am. Shortly thereafter, Serco responded to the union and advised that they wished to table a formal offer.
Serco’s formal offer was as follows: everything is to remain exactly the same as the last offer, but those CCO2s employed at the time that the Enterprise Agreement is certified will move directly to the CCO3 rate.
What this means is that Serco is effectively tabling the same offer that was rejected by members a few months ago, with the only difference being that the CCO3 rate will be paid to current CCO2s sooner than anticipated. For clarity, this is an addition $0.45 per hour, or $4.95 a day (before tax). Moreover, Serco employees would remain the lowest-paid CCOs in the country.
The union was on-site today to seek feedback from members, and the feedback we received regarding the offer was unanimously negative. That said, we acknowledge that not all members were at work today, so if you would like to give your feedback in relation to the fast-tracked $0.45 per hour wage increase, you can do so here: (SEE YOUR EMAIL).
The union will formally respond to Serco’s offer on Monday afternoon based on all of the feedback that we receive, so please go to the link and answer the questions as soon as you can.
The union will be issuing another bulletin on Monday after feedback has been provided to Serco about the 24-hour stoppage planned for next Friday, so please keep an eye out on communication sent out from the union during this very important time.
In the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact the union by calling 1300 772 679 or sending an email to , , , or