
Thursday, 12 August 2021

Aruma restructure update

Following recent communications from Aruma CEO, Andrew Richardson, the CPSU NSW attended a consultation briefing with business representatives on 3 August 2021.

Briefly, Aruma has reorganised its business operations from a state-based structure to what is describes as a “line of business model.” In effect this means the “Shared Living” business stream will now include all shared living services, including Group Home Services.

The primary purpose of the meeting was to inform Regional General Managers, Area Managers and Managers Accommodation and Respite and other central administration roles about the next stage of the organisation’s restructure plan, which involves changes that will directly impact these staff.

Key to Aruma’s proposal is a reduction in the number of Manager roles from 26 to 19. It is anticipated that part of the restructure will be finalised by 4 October 2021.

No information has yet been provided in relation to other roles within the Group Home Service. We will provide more detailed information as it becomes available. For direct support call our Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679.

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