Reminder – March 2021 (PDF version)
With Enterprise Bargaining to COMMENCE SOON, the CPSU NSW is inviting all Professional Staff to attend one of the following bargaining meetings.
Thursday 18 March 1:00pm-2:00pm
Room F10A.01.101.Law Building Annex
Law Annex Lecture Theatre 101
There is also a Zoom option HERE. .
Tuesday 23 March 12:00pm
Room F10A.01.101.
Law Building Annex
Law Annex Lecture Theatre 101
There is also a Zoom option HERE.
After registering for either Zoom meeting, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
The CPSU NSW has produced free Proud Union Member shirts, that will be available at meetings to members who pre-orderthem. Please view the design and order your shirt HERE.
If you have not completed the CPSU NSW’s Bargaining survey please do so by scanning the QR code at the end of this Bulletin or by clicking on the link HERE.
There will also be an opportunity to complete the survey at one of the bargaining meetings.
Ask them to join the CPSU NSW at
Follow the CPSU NSW on Facebook HERE.
Stand with us today!
Professional Staff: Worth Every Cent!
President Grant Wheeler
Vice President Ivan Coates
Secretary Patrick O’Mara
Assistant Secretary Al Yap
Women’s Officer Ruth Livingstone
Membership Registrar Holly Eades
Branch Delegates
Norton Roughley
Peter Adams
Virginia Hilyard
Rachelle Down
Andrew Oulianoff
Matthew Etherton
Member Support Centre: 1300 772 679
Industrial Officer Lisa Nelson
Senior Organiser Anne Kennelly