
Thursday, 9 April 2020

Mercer CPSU NSW Member Update – What is doing in 2020?

As CPSU NSW members are aware the fundamental nature of work and the way society operates as whole has seen a dramatic shift due to the COVID-19 virus.

Your CPSU NSW delegates and Industrial Officials are meeting with the Mercer People and Culture Team weekly to get updates on the latest developments and to clarify any issues that may arise.

Mercer has indicated that it has enabled a large number of staff to work from home and where workplace access is necessary Mercer has noted the measures they have put in for those staff.

If you have feedback or any concerns that you would like your union to raise in this forum we ask that you email through your concerns to – With the Subject Heading – Feedback for Weekly Meetings.

The Post Implementation Committee – Your new agreement 2020

Despite the current challenges Mercer and your union are working through some of the issues arising out of the agreement making process last year.

We have adopted video conferencing for meetings and there has been a need to review and revise the overall project timelines for each topic.

Current Topics

Flexible Working Arrangements (including the taking of flex leave)

As members may recall one of the major themes coming out of our members meetings was the inconsistent application of the provisions in the agreement for taking of and accruing flex leave.

Your CPSU NSW team and Mercer are working on a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document for both staff and people managers to ensure the provisions in the agreement are both clear and understood.

What is happening with 321?

A discussion was held to work though some possible concerns. For example if one of your goals was to undertake some training and that cannot be completed, there is scope to revisit and factor in those circumstances.

Classification Review – When will this process start?

At this point in time this process will kick off in July 2020. At this point there should be no change in work or your role due to the new agreement.

CPSU Member Feedback and Input

We will continue to engage with our membership via bulletins and/ or emails updates. Where there is scope and the need for meetings for your feedback we will seek to hold a Video Conference or Q&A sessions via one of the platforms.

Your CPSU NSW Team

Lisa Nelson – CPSU NSW/PSA PIC Team
Shane Elliott- CPSU NSW/PSA PIC Team
Bart McKenzie –CPSU NSW/PSA PIC Team

Michael Arney – CPSU NSW PIC Team

What can you do?

Give a copy of this bulletin to your colleagues.

Print this bulletin and put it up on your notice board.

Ask a colleague to join the CPSU

Get involved as your Area Contact

Become a CPSU NSW Delegate

Not a member join online –