
Wednesday, 25 March 2020

How to get in touch with your union

Covid Contacts – March 2020 (PDF version)

The CPSU NSW knows that there is a lot of stress and uncertainty in these times. We want you to know that the CPSU NSW will be working throughout this time to ensure your workplace rights are respected, and you have a safe workplace.

If you have any questions, issues or concerns at this time please reach out to your union Organisers, as listed below. They are working to support you and your workmates at this time.

If you know anyone who isn’t in a union at this time, now is the time to ask them to join. It’s essential that we have a healthy workplace amongst everything that is happening, and a healthy workplace is a unionised workplace.

Your Organisers

University of Sydney
Chris Bird 0438 362 865

University of New South Wales
Kirra Jackson 0438 416 615

University of Technology, Sydney
Chris Bird 0438 382 865

Western Sydney University
Kirra Jackson 0438 416 615

Macquarie University
Kirra Jackson 0438 416 615

Australian Catholic University
Kirra Jackson 0438 416 615

University of Newcastle
Lisa Nelson 0409 990 579
Ian Braithwaite

University of Wollongong
Lisa Nelson 0409 990 579
Bart McKenzie

University of New England
Thane Pearce 0408 223 276
Steve Mears

Southern Cross University
Anne Kennelly
Asren Pugh

Charles Sturt University
Thane Pearce 0408 223 276
Michelle Mackintosh
Belinda Pearce