Cerebral Palsy Alliance – Finger scanning & Team Leaders – March 2019 (PDF version)
In our last bulletin updating members on the implementation of the new time and attendance system, despite differing views on consultation, CPA have been engaging in discussions with the CPSU NSW regarding the roll out of the system.
The CPSU NSW has been canvassing with CPA the issues members have been raising with the implementation of such a system. The major concern has been privacy. CPA have in writing assured:
As highlighted in our previous bulletin if members have concerns CPA will, with your union representative present, be happy to discuss those concerns. If you have concerns you can contact CPA’s pay and benefit team on .
The CPSU understands it is being trialled at the moment at a small number of sites and will be rolled out incrementally, with the aim to fix issues before a full roll out. During this process if there are issues members who are at the trial site should raise these with both CPA and the CPSU.
The consultation process does not finish at the decision of trialling it, however something to keep in mind is that consultation does not mean agreement.
If you have any concerns or would like our assistance in raising your concerns with CPA please contact the union on 1300 772 679 (quote call number 112973) or email .
There has been communication between the CPSU NSW and CPA regarding the feedback we received from team leaders about their role and possible performance management.
CPA responded expressing there was definitely ‘off the mark’ of what was communicated.
The intent of this ‘professional development day’ was to try to squash the rumours that were going around about what the structure was going to look like post the two year guarantee. They apparently wanted to ensure that all team leaders had accurate information on the possibility post two years and to assure you that you would be equipped with the skills to succeed.
They have no intent to breach the two year guarantee.
They have proceeded to ensure that if there will be any changes to the structure that CPA will consult with the CPSU NSW and have every intent to meet with us to discuss possible changes to the structure and how that would roll out.
As CPA have no intent to breach the two year guarantee this should mean that there should be no changes to the team leader role. Which means transferred team leaders cannot be forced to move to the structure of CPA non transferred business.
If you as a team leader experience any pressure to undertake your role similar to that of the CPA non transferred structure or there are discussions regarding your performance as a team leader please contact the CPSU NSW immediately on either 1300 772 679 or .
For those who transferred to the community sector, it is now more important than ever that you be part of a Courageous, Powerful and Strong Union of Disability Workers.
You can contribute to becoming a strong Union of Disability Workers today by asking at least one colleague to JOIN the CPSU-NSW.