University of New South Wales – Delegates team – November (PDF version)
At lunchtime on Thursday 22 November 2018 there was a meeting of the CPSU UNSW Branch Committee.
More info can be found HERE.
This group is made up of CPSU-NSW members at the University of NSW who put themselves forward to take roles as Office Bearers or Delegates at our Annual General Meeting held earlier this year. We will meet bi monthly to discuss issues or problems that arise at UNSW and ideas for organising and recruiting.
Attached is a photo of our CPSU NSW UNSW Delegate Team. They are (from left to right):
On Paddington Campus there is also (missing from this photo):
The members of the Executive are happy to be contacted by other CPSU NSW members who might want to discuss issues or problems they are having. They have the contact details of CPSU NSW Organisers and can pass issues onto them as appropriate. Our delegate team are dedicated volunteers, using their free time to advocate for professional staff and assist members with their issues.
Please remember to encourage your colleagues to join the CPSU NSW community so we can continue to build our power and to help our dedicated delegates continue to fight for fairness and respect for Professional Staff at UNSW.
Non-members can join online at:
And remember to Like our Facebook Page!