
Friday, 31 August 2018

University of Newcastle – Enterprise bargaining update

University of Newcastle – Enterprise bargaining update – August 2018 (PDF version)

Your union has been involved in a series of 2-day intensive bargaining meetings with management in an attempt to finalise matters relating to your new enterprise agreement.

We are happy to report that we expect all outstanding matters to be finalised in the next 2 weeks.

We have reached in-principle agreement in a number of areas, including:

  • cash out of annual leave in specific circumstances
  • increase in super contributions to 17% for all fixed term staff with effect from 30 September 2021
  • enhancements to Indigenous Employment Clause including doubling some leave provisions and increases to language allowances
  • representation on Diversity Working Group to address LGBTI+ concerns
  • minimum 2 hour payment for casual staff to undertake orientation
  • use of 2 days personal leave each year for volunteering activities

The CPSU NSW sought and gained enhancements to the Parental Leave clause, specifically:

  • Additional 2 weeks’ leave for loss of a baby from 20 weeks gestation (from 6 weeks to 8 weeks)
  • New 2 week leave provision for loss of a baby between 16 and 20 weeks gestation

There is also an increase in paid Partner Leave from 2 weeks to 3 weeks

Clauses we are still negotiating around include:

  • Domestic Violence Leave
  • Career pathways for Professional Staff
  • Job security
  • Managing underperformance
  • Organisational change
  • And, of course, the pay claim.

At the end of the negotiation, you will be asked to vote on the package and we want that to be an informed and deliberate vote by staff whose working lives are covered by the agreement. Ask your colleagues to stand with you by JOINING CPSU NSW today.

UoN Professional Staff representatives

Sue Freeman

Lyn Keily

Stephen Hopkins

CPSU NSW staff

Phoebe Dangerfield

Ian Braithwaite

Please note:
CPSU NSW members are also members of the Public Service Association of NSW. The PSA is the Associated Body for, and resources and manages, the CPSU NSW.