Australian Unity Enterprise Scope of Your Agreement and Feedback – July 2018 (PDF version)
Your union met with Australian Unity on 24 July 2018 to begin enterprise bargaining, this was the first of many more meetings to come where we will negotiate your employment conditions. The meeting was to establish broadly what the log of claims was to be for all parties involved.
Australian Unity submitted that their headline claim will be to change the flex time provisions within the current Award.
The CPSU NSW would like your feedback as members on what conditions of employment are important to you to inform the log of claims we give to Australian Unity. The log of claims is the list of conditions we want to see in your Agreement.
In order to get this feedback from members we ask you to click HERE to fill in the survey by C.O.B 2 August 2018.
The CPSU NSW have put forward:
Australian Unity are not of the same opinion and believe that an Agreement to cover both groups of workers will be beneficial.
The CPSU NSW is aware that members do not wish to be under the same Agreement as Care workers and believes strongly that your enterprise agreement should only cover administrative workers. We will not let this go without a fight! Keep an eye out for further updates on this issue.