LiveBetter – Big win on coverage – June 2018 (PDF version)
As reported in our bulletin to members dated 30 May 2018 (found HERE) the CPSU NSW/PSA lodged an application with the Fair Work Commission (FWC) to obtain an order for the CPSU NSW to be named as PSA federal counterpart under your state awards.
The CPSU NSW/PSA has won the application to the FWC to ensure the CPSU is entitled to represent the industrial interests of former ADHC employees, and new employees doing any work that was transferred, employed by LiveBetter Disability Services Limited (LiveBetter).
Deputy President Kovacic published his decision on 19 June 2018 and accepted the CPSU NSW legal arguments that the CPSU NSW/PSA is your union and we are entitled to cover and represent you in the federal industrial system. You can read the decision and orders of Deputy President Kovacic HERE and HERE.
Deputy President Kovacic exercised a discretion allowed by the Fair Work Act 2009 to make orders that the CPSU be covered by your NSW state awards (‘the copied state instruments’). For further information on the list of your State awards, see the links below:
The FWC orders now guarantee coverage by the CPSU NSW of our ADHC members and including that the CPSU NSW be covered by the copied State Instruments.
Most importantly this decision clears the way and confirms our lawful authority for the Right of Entry for visits and member meetings under the CPSU NSW name and discredits any claim by LiveBetter that the CPSU NSW is not entitled to represent members.
As previously reported to members, the CPSU NSW/PSA has written to LiveBetter requesting the scheduling of a Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) meeting in order for us to pursue industrial concerns raised by members.
You can support the work of the PSA/CPSU NSW by asking your colleagues to JOIN their union.
Having your union and its collective strength behind you in the workplace is the only way to make sure you get fair outcomes.