
Friday, 12 May 2017

Land and Property Information Transitional Consultative Committee

Land and Property Information Transitional Consultative Committee – May 2017 (PDF version)

The PSA held a members meeting at the Rolleston Room on 19 April with PSA General Secretary Stewart Little in attendance. We discussed some of the concerns from members since the privatisation announcement earlier last month.

It was apparent there was some uncertainty about which union would be covering LPI members into the future.

Please be advised the PSA will continue to cover all LPI staff as they transition.

We are your union and we intend to continue to be your union into the future. We believe we are best placed to continue to represent you given that we negotiated your current salary, conditions and entitlements.

We appreciate this is a difficult and uncertain time for staff and we want you to know your union is here to support you through the transition.

LPI Transitional Consultative Committee

Last week the PSA and your delegates met with management for a Transitional Consultative Committee meeting for clarity on a number of questions:

  • The separation processes and the transition to Australian Registry Investments (ARI). Management confirmed Deloitte will be taking over from KMPG and the transition phase is set to begin in the coming days.
  • Management structure. The PSA asked whether the LPI management structure will change post-separation. LPI management advised it is up to the new private entity what it intends to do in relation to the new management structures and there is no specific protection for SOs.
  • Future pay increases. At a recent staff meeting, members were informed by LPI Chief Financial Officer James Dolton that their salary increases would be in accord with the Fair Work Commission annual increases. We were told they were advised this by NSWIR. The PSA has sought to be provided with this advice. The PSA raised that whilst employees will ultimately be transferring to the federal Fair Work system, the statement may not be correct given the copied state Award is tied to the Salaries Award and therefore for the life of that Award, staff will continue to receive whatever pay rises the PSA negotiates. It is the PSA’s position that members will receive the annual increases negotiated in the Crown Employees (Public Sector) Salaries Award until a replacement Enterprise Agreement has been completely negotiated and agreed upon by the workplace over the course of the next four years. We are seeking further advice on this matter.
  • WHS committee. There is currently no formal WHS committee, so members do not know who to approach on such issues. We raised this and management have agreed to begin drafting a policy to look at ways to address any WHS concerns. In the meantime, if you have concerns please contact your local delegate.
  • Paid-time members’ meetings. At the meeting the PSA requested that all future member meetings which involve the transition ought to be on work time. Des Mooney indicated he does not believe existing protocol should change. However, he was willing to receive a formal written request with reasons from the PSA. We are going to follow that up with a formal written request shortly.

Update your details and make the switch today!

Are you still paying by payroll deduction? In order to ensure your union membership stays active regardless of the employer, you should switch your payments to direct debit or credit card.

Update your details, make the switch and protect your union membership today!

These are challenging times for members in Titling and Registry and we must make sure sure you and your union are protected now, and into the future, with whatever organisation you are with.

It’s easy just log in, update your details and make the switch

You can update your details including how you pay through our online portal HERE.

You can download a switch form HERE and email it back to us at or contact our membership department direct on 1300 772 679.