Sydney Institute of TAFE Consultative Committee Meeting

Sydney Institute of TAFE Consultative Committee Meeting – April 2016 (PDF version)

The institute’s Consultative Committee meeting on 30 March 2016 was attended by PSA delegates Leon Parissi (from Ultimo) and Jane O’Brien (from Petersham) and PSA/CPSU Industrial Advocate Phoebe Dangerfield.

The meeting was updated as to the institute’s decision to close Petersham West campus. It is intended to go ahead with plans to relocate teaching areas.

With the majority of positions filled in People and Culture, new staff members were introduced to the Consultative Committee. A comprehensive list of new appointees will be provided to your union so we know who to contact on your behalf.

Sydney TAFE is unable to say whether TAFE will be getting rid of EBS or not, however the planned upgrade (Phase 2 of SIPP and EBS) will be going ahead in May.

The institute stated that work done towards improving 2016 enrolments has been outstanding and wanted to recognise Customer Service Staff in particular. No complaints about the enrolment process have been received from stakeholders such as students.

Management are highlighting the requirement for all staff to be aware of the Code of Conduct – if you don’t know where to find this document, please speak to your union delegates. They are also concerned staff are not taking up the opportunity to use the Employee Assistance Program. If you find yourself stressed or overwhelmed by the seemingly constant state of change or other concerns please remember about the EAP – or contact your union delegates for industrial support and advice.

The PSA/CPSU has flagged with Sydney TAFE that we seek further advice on Student Association matters and where Agency staff are coming from.

If you wish to raise any items for future ICC agendas, please contact your PSA delegate, Leon Parissi on .

In the meantime the most important thing you can do is to ensure that everyone in your workplace has a voice.

Joining your union is the only way to have your voice heard in the continuing consultations with management.

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