TAFE Bulletin re Capability Framework – 6 February 2015 (PDF version)
The PSA/CPSU has successfully reached agreement with TAFE NSW to finailse the dispute at the Fair Work Commission.
The NSW Public Sector Capability Framework is a new way for public sector agencies to describe the knowledge, skills and activities that employees must demonstrate to perform their positions. It substantially changes the way position descriptions are drafted, how you apply for positions, and the recruitment process.
Under your Enterprise Agreement, TAFE NSW is required to consult with the PSA/CPSU before implementing the Capability Framework. However, many Institutes had already begun to use it, most notably in the context of restructures.
TAFE NSW has agreed to a process of consultation about those policies and procedures that will change as a result of the implementation of the Capability Framework. It also agreed that the all recruitment and selection in TAFE will not use the Capability Framework until such time as consultation has concluded.
There are a number of restructures currently underway in TAFE. Although these processes will not use the Capability Framework, many of the redrafted Position Descriptions still contain a section that refers to it. If you have not been adequately consulted about this, or if you have suffered some detriment or disadvantage, it may be still possible to do something about this. This could include lodging a dispute with your Institute. You should let the PSA/CPSU know as soon as possible if this applies to you.
Please call the Member Support Centre on 1300 772 679 if you have any information or questions.